Friday, April 3, 2009

It's Almost Done!

My latest song that is....
I was asked more than a year ago to write a companion song to my cousins new book about to be published this summer on Heaven. My cousin has spent years studying the bible and specifically what the bible says about heaven. You see several years ago when his Daddy passed away suddenly, he found himself wanting to know more about this place we as Christians call Heaven. He knew what he had been taught all his years, from Sunday School to vacation bible school, to church and even bible studies. But had he really sought to study everything God had to say about this Eternal Paradise where we all will be with Him and our loved ones? So for a couple of years he set his goal on learning all he could about Heaven. For cathartic reasons he began to also write about his Dad and what a great spiritual leader he was for our family. These two topics coupled together in a nice blend of theology and a fun story line of what "could be taking place even now in unseen heavenlies" makes for a great read. My cousin thought it would be great to have a companion song to go along with the book. Well, I prayed God would give me the words and He did. The song is called "Glimpses of Heaven." I wrote in last December and am just finishing up the arrangement. Look for it soon on my music website
Until then here are the words:

Gimpses of Heaven by FaithfulPraise

When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and the stars
All that You have set in place, teaches me just who You are
The beauty of Your creation, overwhelms me
Yet it's just a glimpse
You are in our midst
Declare Your kingdom come

Glimpses, Glimpses of Heaven
They're all around me
If I open my eyes
The closer I get to You
The more You reveal to my heart
Glimpses, Glimpses of Heaven

You show me your love in the ocean, a vast, deep sea
Your unfailing grace reaches to the highest mountain
Your faithfulness is like coming seasons
So how can I not see
This place you've built for me
My home in the Holy City


Jesus said "The kingdom is heaven is near...
Where the last will be first and the first will be last!"
Lord, how I live for that day
When the trumpets will sound and You come riding in
In Your robe and Your crown
And we all sing....
To the King of Kings....

Glimpses, Glimpses of Heaven
They're all around us
Just open your eyes
the closer you get to Him
The more He reveals.......
Glimpses.....Glimpses....Glimpses...Glimpses of Heaven

1 comment:

  1. truly beautiful... I cant wait to hear it.
    Please let me know when it is up.
    thanks for being a vessel for the Lord.... you are doing a great work with your talents and gifts.
