Monday, April 6, 2009

Life Really Is LIke a Box of Chocolates!

I love that movie. It's just a total classic. One of the most repeated lines from a movie of all times, this "Chocolate" statement. Truly life is like a box of chocolates, just like Forrest's Momma always told him. "Ya never know just what you're gonna get." Til you chew that is. Ya gotta grab a piece out of that box and start chompin'. It could be awesome like soft gooey caramel or even a creamy maple goodie. Or it could be hard as a rock and take your fillings right out with one hard bite down. Ouch! It might even sometimes surprise you with a burst of cordial. That's life, sometimes just so down right sweet, you just want to take pictures and set up a memory scrapbook right then and there. Other times, well, let's just say, you want to quickly forget. Some of life's challenges come in surprise form, other's you make that famous choice and pick your bad situation knowing full well you shouldn't have. Our choices, all come with consequences. Consequences can change our life course. But one thing is for sure, if you are in Christ, He will never leave nor forsake you. God does punish sin and we must humbly accept these consequences, but He will never turn His back on us. He is still there to guide every bite of chocolate, if we allow Him. He is a God of choices. If we want to know which tempting piece of chocolate to pick up and bite in to, we must ask Him. Allow Him to direct our step and our bites. Sometimes He allows us to go through seasons in our lives for teaching purposes. Sometimes, like I mentioned before, our choices cause those tough times. Our trials so not build character, they reveal our character. It's in between each piece that we are establishing our strength, faith and wisdom. So when the hard filling crazy chews threaten to remove our fillings, we have to be ready for them. Even if it means a root canal. But we never know until we actually jump in, select the beautiful piece of delectable goodness and take that first bite and hopefully enjoy like crazy. Just remember to spit before you swallow, so you don't gain 5lbs from all the chocolate.

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