Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Baby Chicks By Mail Order!

Several times when I was a kid, my Mom would mail order baby chicks to our farm. That's right! And when they came in to the post office, they'd give us a call - "Your chicks are here and making a lot of noise! So come get 'em." That was always so fun! Talk about a package. When Mom order baby chicks by mail-order, she always got the deal - "Order 100 and get 1 free." So we had 101 baby chicks that arrived in a big multi level box. Yes, of course, with holes! They came chirping didn't they? The chirping was deafening. You'd take off that first lid and they'd just look up at ya like they were saying "Momma? Get me outta this box for heaven's sake, it's dark in here and cramped." We had baby chicks for days. My Dad built a nice home with warming lights for them and they grew up and became big chickens right before our eyes! Once they got big enough and started molting, which is the not so fun part. Ewww, those cute little creatures get really ugly for a few weeks. Then they start putting on the most beautiful colored feathers. My Mom order all the fun ones. Exotics, they called them in the catalog. From Dominique, to Araucana, to Polish, to Barred Rock, to Plymouth Rock, to Rhode Island Reds. You name it. So cute! We enjoyed them for years...until the massacre. Oh yes, it was exactly that. You won't believe it. More on that tomorrow. Can you wait that long? Well, you'll have to. I'm taking the little tyke to see the WWII bombers that are in town today. I'll post on that too. Wow! So exciting. What does all this have to do with God you ask? Well, nothing and yet everything. You see God is in everything. The little, the big, the mundane, the exciting, the scary, the sad, they uncertainty. Life in general. He's always there. He's such a hoot. I love His humor in things. I love that He lets us enjoy so much on this beautiful spinning sphere we call earth. Thank you Lord. Now I gotta go....Talk to you tomorrow....I promise.


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