Wednesday, June 3, 2009

In a Funk? Drive It Out!

Do you ever get like that? I certainly do. I have found that most of the time my funks are brought on by people. Well, they are actually brought on by my allowing people to affect me. When we allow things said or done to rob our joy, we are giving up the steering wheel to our joy ride. We somehow slide over to the passenger seat and give up that coveted driver's seat. Oh don't get me wrong, I sometimes like to ride shotgun, but not to the point that it defines who I am. I want to be defined by my actions, what I say and do, not what I feel as a result of others. We will never control others and their actions or words. We only have control over ourselves. We must stay in control of our joy and not allow detours down the road to ickyland. We must own our actions, our words, our beliefs. We must spread love and joy all around. Hoping that others will pick up on it and jump on the happy bus. When everyone gets on the bus, what a joy ride that will be. A day of la la la...Oh I hope we don't have to wait for heaven for that. If so, I'll keep practicing here on earth. There is so much scenery to enjoy along the way.
Lord, please keep me focused on what is truth in me because of You. Help me not to get bogged down in other peoples opinions. Your's is the only opinion that is fully informed and right. Help me to spread joy and laughter all around. Help me to follow your map as I drive this Joy Ride of life you have blessed me with. I Love you Lord. May I say and do what pleases You! In Jesus Name...Amen!

Happy Driving!


  1. Popping in from SITS. Great blog

  2. good thinking! Just like the song...hands on the wheel... troubles out the window...road trips are verrrrrrry liberating... take it from one who believes!

    love you!

